Emma Pills Jewelry: Where Art Deco Meets Contemporary Style

At Emma Pills Jewelry , we believe in creating jewels that confidently accompany women in their daily lives, standing out through the combination of mixed metals and utilization of enamel. Our brand aims to bring out an energetic spirit, avant-garde style, and selfless nature through our collections.

Establishing the idea of wearing Emma Pills for increased confidence to tell new stories and cast a new fresh light on jewelry and how we wear it, this ignites the interest of new generations everywhere.

Emma Pillemer
The Visionary Creator
Emma Pillemer is the driving force behind Emma Pills Jewellery, motivated by her love and passion for jewelry. With a background as a jewelry designer, she is constantly searching for fun and inventive pieces.
Her unique approach of combining metals and utilizing enamels creates truly stunning and innovative designs. Emma explores fresh contours and metal blends in each line, color schemes and structures are intertwined with contemporary lifestyles and stored away memories.
“Establishing the idea of wearing Emma Pills for increased confidence to tell new stories and cost a new fresh light on jewelry and how we wear it, this ignites the interest of new generations everywhere.”

Emma Pillemer

Emma Pillemer's admiration for vintage pieces and her focus on sculptural and everyday jewelry result in unique styles, models, and designs that encompass the brand's DNA.

Our jewelry intertwines color schemes, structures, and contemporary lifestyles to create pieces that evoke stored-away memories and reflect the wearer's individuality.
We strive to make products that are both unique and environmentally friendly. Our brand stands for vibrancy, recycled materials, accessibility and confidence. Whether you're looking for a statement piece or an everyday accessory, our brand is committed to bringing out your energy, confidence and individuality. We invite you to explore our collections and experience the fusion of Art Deco and contemporary style that defines Emma Pills Jewelry.
Emma's DECEMBER Picks